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Fakultät Sozialwissenschaften

Dörte Kanschik


Doctoral Project

Reconstructing students' conceptions of aspects of law and justice in the context of image-based case vignettes (working title)

In the context of the dissertation project, guided, focused interviews (cf. Merton/Kendall 1946, cited in: Misoch 2015) will be conducted with students with and without special educational needs at the end of their compulsory education (grades 9 and 10). As basic stimuli for the interviews, image-supported, sequenced and differentiated case vignettes are used, which focus on intersections of law and politics (using the example of laws and functions of law). The phenomenographic insight interest is directed at the didactically relevant differences between the experiences of these situations presented in the case vignettes (cf. Murmann 2008). Furthermore, the potentials of such case vignettes as a methodological medial approach for an examination of political phenomena in inclusive learning settings will be discussed. In terms of empirical educational research, the understanding of inclusion underlying the research project is a temporary, reduced, and singular one (cf. Grosche 2015), but not reduced to a two-group theory. Rather, epistemological interest and findings are situated in the discussion of inclusive civic education and the contradictions inherent in the discourse of inclusion (cf. Year 2019) are reflected in the context of this research.


  • Grosche, M. (2015): Was ist Inklusion? Ein Diskussions- und Positionsartikel zur Definition von Inklusion aus Sicht der empirischen Bildungsforschung. In: Kuhl, P. u.a. (Hrsg.): Inklusion von Schülerinnen und Schülern mit sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf in Schulleistungserhebungen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS., S. 17-39.
  • Jahr, D. (2019): Zur (Re-)Politisierung der Inklusionstheorie Umgang mit unausweichlichen Widersprüchen in der inklusiven politischen Bildung. In: Jahr, D./ Hölzel, T. (Hrsg.):  Konturen einer inklusiven politischen Bildung. Konzeptionelle und empirische Zugänge. Wiesbaden: Springer, S. 17-33
  • Misoch, S. (2015): Qualitative Interviews. Berlin/ München/ Boston: De Gruyter
  • Murmann, L. (2008): Phänomenographie und Didaktik. In: Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, Sonderheft 9, S. 187-199.

Associate member in  „DoProfiL – The Dortmund Profile for Inclusion-Oriented Teacher Education“ (2016-2019)
Subproject: Making diversity aspects a teaching topic! - Potentials of the subject didactics of subject-specific teaching (2016-2019).